
Thursday, May 1, 2008


Jangan kaget ya kamu pada..sekarang blogku ganti penampilan neh..yach…gak jauh beda seeh..aku emang standar banget buat penampilan blognya. Ndak bisa otak-atik lebih dalam lagi.Kalau aja ada yang mau ngajarin aku buat blog yang lebih kreatif lagi, yang bisa ngubah* template...pastinya dengan senang hati dah. Sekarang formatnya tambah dewasa & variatif dari sebelumnya…chheeillee..lebih familier dominasi warna merah maron&pink kombinasi ungu cerah membuat tambah semarak dengan sentuhan banner mawar membuat yang nge-liat terbawa suasana romantis…hehehhee…..warna background-nya tetep hitam, supaya netral warna apa aja cocok.

banner lamaku

Kenapa blogku ganti penampilan karena aku udah 1 th neh fakum ndak nge-blog. Dan ketika membukanya lagi aku ngerasa bosan dengan corak yang kekanak-kanaan. Oya…aku juga punya neh site yang lain Monggo mampir ya….klik aja...

Site itu tenang warna-warni bisnis aku, serta impian*ku untuk membuka usaha yang belum terwujud. Makanya sapa tau kita bisa jodoh buat kerja sama, pokoknya seru dah….apalagi klo kamu* suka shopping online fashion. Bisa pesan melalui online, grosir/ecer. Ada juga assesoris, sepei kalung, gelang, anting, jepit rambut, dll….jangan dikira mahal loh….harganya pasti terjangkau.murah meriah….makanya mampir ya..sapa tau cocok


tjahaju said...

grosir? aku mau dong liat-liat barangnya situ. posisinya malang mana?

Business and Marketing said...

This is hard to be here, be prepared to take notes. This means that this article print and write about it as you read. This first part is perhaps a little obvious, and there is much controversy about the difference between business models and business strategy. It is almost an order of arrival, the chicken or the egg type of question. (By the way, British scientists have responded to this question. It’s chicken. Ver)

As the business strategy and business models are so closely related that only go-go days of the Internet bubble, the term has its own meaning. The word was barely audible, before the race started at the beginning of the Internet bubble of the floor to explain their business to venture capitalists. During this period, became a key word for all kinds of sins to explain.

However, the business models around since the beginning of the company.

A good example is Xerox. As a Xerox copier lease began in 1958, so that companies can pay their new products, introduced a major change in its business model and change that with its technical innovations, became a dominant position in the industry the copier.

Understanding business models gives us the opportunity to understand how a company makes money. This is often the result of a newly developed technology. But technology is not as important as the way / In the conduct of all, Hero of Alexandria invented the steam engine about 2000 years ago.